Monday, November 1, 2010

Chopin's Op 64 No 2

I started playing the piano at age 12. Unfortunately, I have not been consistent in playing for all these years. The desire to play comes in waves for me. This time this piece of music got into my head and I just couldn't shake it. Chopin's Valse Op 64, No 2.  Chopin was an amazing pianist and composer, however his creativity in naming his pieces lacks immensely. It’s hard to get excited about a piece called Opus 64, No. 2. However, in spite of it's terrible name it is an amazingly beautiful piece. Listen here:
      I have never been interested in Chopin mostly because his stuff is just really difficult, but I just can't get it out of my head.  So bless my husband, he helped me drag down my digital piano from upstairs and here I am, at it again. As per the usual steps I pull out all the stuff I used to know how to play and see how terrible I do.   It’s a little scary at first, but it seems to come back quick.  All that said, this piece may still be a bit beyond my ability, but the way I see it, there’s no harm in trying -well maybe a little to the ears of those listening.  Wish me luck in my newest adventure!

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